Friday, December 4, 2009

Merry Christmas! {Hannah}

ok so i'm just a little early.  but here are some christmas cards!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

There's something about the glow..{Awna}

Of a pregnant lady...
It's true. I am one of those girls.
One of those girls who can't help but stare when I see a pregnant lady.
There is something so beautiful about that cute little belly poking out from behind super cute maternity clothing.
I just love it.
So, of course I adored this shoot.
I headed to Dickinson the beginning of October to meet up with the Glasser's.
They are a great couple, and I can only imagine their little one will be adorable.
Here are some photo's from a very fun day!

PS...Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!?